Support to the Ukraine

Kelin is very proud to announce that we have entered into a collaboration with the Ukrainian IT-Tech company ImproveIT Solutions, where Kelin will spearhead introducing their services to Scandinavia. 

Like the rest of the free world, Kelin also wants to support Ukraine. 

Part of the resistance to the invasion is carried out by the Ukrainians who have chosen to stay in their homeland but cannot participate in combat. Instead, they look after their work and earn money for the country and support their own people, government and soldiers. A strong way to show Russia that ”We will not be Defeated!” In the same spirit as the famous slogan ”Keep Calm and Carry on!” during the Second World War.

Kelin has since 1997 concentrated on offering services to the energy sector IN Denmark, Norway and Sweden , but with our collaboration with ImproveIT, we can now help all industries.

By outsourcing your IT department/IT needs to ImproveIT, you always have access to over 70 dedicated and highly professional IT employees for your IT needs, whether they are small or large tasks/projects – and at the same time supports the Ukraine.

If the project or task needs an entire IT team, or if your own IT department needs extra staff during a peak period or for a special task, then ImproveIT is the solution. ImproveIT can, among other things, also develop completely new products for you or they can help you with prototypes, branding, UI and UX design for web and mobile products and much more.

We are naturally available for further information.

Kelin handles consumption data for more than 25% of Danish natural gas consumption

Kelin is now responsible for handling and processing data for over 25% of natural gas consumption in Denmark. And we are rather proud of that!

Our most important task is to ensure that data, including consumption and billing data, runs smoothly for the well-known market players. We may not be so well known in the public eye, but Kelin has increasingly handled these tasks in Denmark, Norway and Sweden since 1997.

Kelin handles consumption data for more than 25% of Danish natural gas consumption

Kelin is now responsible for handling and processing data for over 25% of natural gas consumption in Denmark. And we are rather proud of that!

Our most important task is to ensure that data, including consumption and billing data, runs smoothly for the well-known market players. We may not be so well known in the public eye, but Kelin has increasingly handled these tasks in Denmark, Norway and Sweden since 1997.

Cloud fights Corona

I morgen afslutter Kelin sin anden uge hvor alle ansatte arbejder hjemmefra, og kun jeg som administrerende direktør besøger kontoret en eller to gange om ugen. Som forventet og glædeligt er alle vores tjenester og systemer fortsat på det samme høje niveau og til vores kunders tilfredshed. Jeg forlænger nu hjemmearbejdet dette indtil videre til den 30. marts.Kelin opfordrer alle virksomheder, der er i stand til det at gøre ligeså og hjælpe med at udrydde denne forfærdelige virus! Kun sammen kan vi ved at holde os fra hinanden, virkelig ”komme sammen” for at overvinde infektionsfaren mellem os.


Tomorrow Kelin goes into her third week of all employees working from home, and only I as CEO visiting the office once or twice a week. As expected and happily as yet all our services and systems have continued at the same high level and to the satisfaction of our clients. I am prolonging this until at least March the 30th.

Kelin urges all companies that are able to follow suit and help eradicate this horrible virus! Only together can we by keeping apart, truly “come together” to overcome the infection danger between us.

Corona Virus och Kelin

Still going strong! Siden tirsdag har alle Kelin-medarbejdere arbejdet hjemmefra og forbliver hjemme mindst indtil uge 13. Naturligvis fortsætter vores gode tjenester, og alle ansatte kan kontaktes via e-mail eller på deres mobiltelefoner. Alle face2face-møder annulleres dog. De berørte har fået besked.

Still going strong! Since Tuesday all Kelin employees have been working from home and will stay at home at least until week 13. Naturally our great services continue and all employees can be contacted via e-mail or on their cellphones. However all face2face meetings are cancelled until further notice.

#coronavirus #workingfromhome

Corona virus og Kelin

Still going strong! Siden tirsdag har alle Kelin-medarbejdere arbejdet hjemmefra og forbliver hjemme mindst indtil uge 13. Naturligvis fortsætter vores gode tjenester, og alle ansatte kan kontaktes via e-mail eller på deres mobiltelefoner. Alle face2face-møder annulleres dog. De berørte har fået besked.

Still going strong! Since Tuesday all Kelin employees have been working from home and will stay at home at least until week 13. Naturally our great services continue and all employees can be contacted via e-mail or on their cellphones. However all face2face meetings are cancelled until further notice.

#coronavirus #workingfromhome

God Jul!

Kelin’s phones are closed December 23rd until December 30th.

Season Greetings from Kelin!

Kelin’s phones are closed December 23rd until December 30th.

Kelin Kraft Norge

Kelin Kraft AS
c/o Dataplan Stokkamyrv 18A
N-4306 Sandnes

Kelin Kraft Sverige

Kelin Kraft AS Filial Sverige
Varlabergsvägen 29
SE- 434 39 Kungsbacka

Kelin Kraft Danmark

Kelin Kraft AS Filial Danmark
Høffdingsvej  34
DK-2500 Valby

