Keep Calm and Carry on!   Support the Ukraine!

Support the Ukraine – Help them to “Keep Calm and Carry on”!  

Kelin is very proud to announce that we have entered into a collaboration with the Ukrainian IT-Tech company ImproveIT Solutions, where Kelin will spearhead introducing their services to Scandinavia. 

Like the rest of the free world, Kelin also wants to support Ukraine.

Part of the resistance to the invasion is carried out by the Ukrainians who have chosen to stay in their homeland but cannot participate in combat. Instead, they look after their work and earn money for the country and support their own people, government and soldiers. A strong way to show Russia that ”We will not be Defeated!” In the same spirit as the famous slogan ”Keep Calm and Carry on!” during the Second World War.

Kelin has since 1997 concentrated on offering services to the energy sector IN Denmark, Norway and Sweden , but with our collaboration with ImproveIT, we can now help all industries.

By outsourcing your IT department/IT needs to ImproveIT, you always have access to over 70 dedicated and highly professional IT employees for your IT needs, whether they are small or large tasks/projects – and at the same time supports the Ukraine.

If the project or task needs an entire IT team, or if your own IT department needs extra staff during a peak period or for a special task, then ImproveIT is the solution. ImproveIT can, among other things, also develop completely new products for you or they can help you with prototypes, branding, UI and UX design for web and mobile products and much more.

We are naturally available for further information. 

Support to the Ukraine

Kelin is very proud to announce that we have entered into a collaboration with the Ukrainian IT-Tech company ImproveIT Solutions, where Kelin will spearhead introducing their services to Scandinavia. 

Like the rest of the free world, Kelin also wants to support Ukraine. 

Part of the resistance to the invasion is carried out by the Ukrainians who have chosen to stay in their homeland but cannot participate in combat. Instead, they look after their work and earn money for the country and support their own people, government and soldiers. A strong way to show Russia that ”We will not be Defeated!” In the same spirit as the famous slogan ”Keep Calm and Carry on!” during the Second World War.

Kelin has since 1997 concentrated on offering services to the energy sector IN Denmark, Norway and Sweden , but with our collaboration with ImproveIT, we can now help all industries.

By outsourcing your IT department/IT needs to ImproveIT, you always have access to over 70 dedicated and highly professional IT employees for your IT needs, whether they are small or large tasks/projects – and at the same time supports the Ukraine.

If the project or task needs an entire IT team, or if your own IT department needs extra staff during a peak period or for a special task, then ImproveIT is the solution. ImproveIT can, among other things, also develop completely new products for you or they can help you with prototypes, branding, UI and UX design for web and mobile products and much more.

We are naturally available for further information.

Kelin handles consumption data for more than 25% of Danish natural gas consumption

Kelin is now responsible for handling and processing data for over 25% of natural gas consumption in Denmark. And we are rather proud of that!

Our most important task is to ensure that data, including consumption and billing data, runs smoothly for the well-known market players. We may not be so well known in the public eye, but Kelin has increasingly handled these tasks in Denmark, Norway and Sweden since 1997.

Kelin handles consumption data for more than 25% of Danish natural gas consumption

Kelin is now responsible for handling and processing data for over 25% of natural gas consumption in Denmark. And we are rather proud of that!

Our most important task is to ensure that data, including consumption and billing data, runs smoothly for the well-known market players. We may not be so well known in the public eye, but Kelin has increasingly handled these tasks in Denmark, Norway and Sweden since 1997.

Kelin håndterer forbrugsdata for mere end 25 % af det danske forbrug af naturgas

Kelin har nu ansvaret for at håndtere og behandle data for over 25 % af naturgasforbruget i Danmark. Og det er vi stolte af!

Vores fornemmeste opgave er, at sørge for at data, herunder forbrugs- og faktureringsdata, kører uden problemer for de kendte markedsaktører.

Vi er måske ikke så kendte i offentligheden, men Kelin har i stigende omfang varetaget disse opgaver i Danmark, Norge og Sverige siden 1997.

Med Kelin kan man bestig bjerge!

Via utroligt godt samarbejde mellem OK og Kelin lykkes migrationen af ca. 110.000 kunder på rekord tid!

OK a.m.b.a. har haft vokseværk her midt i Cornakrisen! Selskabet er således vokset med ca. 110.000 nye kunder den 01.09.2020.

Normalt bruges der mange måneders planlægning og endnu flere måneders ihærdig arbejde til gennemførelsen. Men trods en meget stram tidsplan og trods andres tvivl, lykkes det Kelin at flytte den nye meget store kundeportefølje til OK indenfor de aftalte tidsrammer. Dette lykkes kun grundet det fantastiske positivsamarbejde og ægte team spirit der hersker mellem Kelin og OK.  Alle på holdet var løsningsorienterede og udfordringer blev klaret med smil! Et sandt bevis på at med godt teamwork kan man flytte bjerge!

Fra Ledelsen i Kelin skal der lyde en stor TAK til alle på holdet.

Energibransjen har fått en ny Butler!

Kelin AS er stolte av å kunngjøre at de har inngått en avtale med EGSSIS NV om nært samarbeid. Kelin er utnevnt til ”Scandinavian Representative” for alle EGSSIS produkter og tjenester i det skandinaviske energimarkedet.

Kelin og EGSSIS tilbyr ”one-stop-shopping” slik at energispillere kan outsource og / eller støtte operasjoner. Begge selskapene tilbyr komplementære tjenester og programvare som en tjeneste (SaaS). Dette gjør at kundene våre kan fokusere på kjernevirksomheten. Outsourcing av fakturering, oppgjør, endring, etc. til Kelin og frakt, nominasjoner og prognoser til EGSSIS, fører til store fordeler når det gjelder tids- og kostnadsbesparelser

EGSSIS og Kelin er enige om å kun tilby førsteklasses ”Butler” -tjeneste til våre kunder, den personlige, gode, gammeldagse tjenesten vi alle ofte savner, mens disse Butlers må være tekniske Whizzkids – så vær i forkant av det siste tekniske muligheter

Kelin Kraft Norge

Kelin Kraft AS
c/o Dataplan Stokkamyrv 18A
N-4306 Sandnes

Kelin Kraft Sverige

Kelin Kraft AS Filial Sverige
Varlabergsvägen 29
SE- 434 39 Kungsbacka

Kelin Kraft Danmark

Kelin Kraft AS Filial Danmark
Høffdingsvej  34
DK-2500 Valby

